I'm having an issue deploying my Firebase project. I'm running firebase deploy in my project directory, and the process seems to stall indefinitely on the "Deploying functions" step. The CLI output looks like this:
i deploying functions
i functions: Preparing functions directory for uploading...
... (and then it just sits there)
It's been running for hours with no progress, no errors, and no logs being outputted to the console or the Firebase Functions console. I've tried:
firebase logout
, firebase login
, and re-running firebase deploy
.npm install -g firebase-tools
.firebase deploy --debug
produces a lot of output, but nothing that indicates the root cause of the hang.My project uses Node.js and includes several functions. I've deployed successfully in the past, and nothing significant has changed recently.
What could be causing the Firebase CLI to hang during function deployment, and how can I troubleshoot this issue? Any suggestions for further investigation or potential solutions would be greatly appreciated!
Firebase Functions deployment relies on GCP under the hood. Sometimes, there can be temporary resource limitations or timeouts on GCP's end that prevent the deployment from completing.
This might sound simple, but sometimes just waiting a few hours and trying again resolves the issue.
See if there are any reported outages or issues on the Google Cloud Status Dashboard. Even if it doesn't show a full outage, regional issues can sometimes cause deployment problems.
Or, if you suspect your functions are hitting memory limits or taking too long to execute during deployment, try increasing the memory allocation and timeout settings for individual functions in your firebase.json
file. For example:
// firebase.json
"functions": {
"myFunction": {
"memory": "512MB", // Or "1GB", etc. Consider your function's needs.
"timeoutSeconds": 60 // Increase if the function takes longer to deploy.