I am creating a random password generator. One of the arrays contains all of the elements, in order, in order to create the password, and I don't know how to do that in a way that it would be applicable to all password lengths.
ultimateRandomPassword (name of array) = ['q', '%', '8', 'v', 'o', 'F', 'A', 'M', 'Y', '9'] => q%8voFAMY9 (for output)
I wanted to do console.log(ultimateRandomPassword[1] + ultimateRandomPassword[2]...), but I know that would be incredibly inefficient, and also would only apply to a specific number of elements in the array.
That's quite easy, use Array#join()
const ultimateRandomPassword = ['q', '%', '8', 'v', 'o', 'F', 'A', 'M', 'Y', '9'];