In a const component, I have this watch configured:
const { watch, setValue, control } = useFormContext<QuoteCalculatorValues>();
const fuelCostWatch = watch('fees')?.['fuel_costs']?.[0];
const watchPath = `fees.[fuel_costs][0].`;
'fees' is a key/value array, with the following:
export type FormPayableAccessoryFeeDto = {
quantity: number;
rate: number;
export interface FormPayableAccessoryFeeIndexDto {
[key: string]: FormPayableAccessoryFeeDto[] | undefined;
export type QuoteCalculatorValues = {
fees: FormPayableAccessoryFeeIndexDto;
Here's an input I configured to be monitored by the watch
render={({ field }) => (
onChange={value => {
setValue(`fees.[fuel_costs][0].quantity`, value as never);
I'm expecting that because I'm watch
'ing values in fee
, when I change the value in the input, the component should re-render.
One thing I noticed, is that in onChange
, I have to cast value
as never
, which might indicate a problem I guess?
I tested this with a more basic structure (i.e. if I watch('info')
and create an input on info.firstName
) and this works.
Is there a problem with the way my form data's structured?
It works if I configure the watch to listen to the entire form, but I'm worried that might slow things down a bit if arrays get populated with a lot of data (i.e. if I have more indices than fuel_costs
const fuelCostWatch = watch().fees['fuel_costs']?.[0];
Try watching your property like this
const fuelCostWatch = watch('fees.fuel_costs.0');
Instead of
const fuelCostWatch = watch('fees')?.['fuel_costs']?.[0];