I have recently discovered this answer which allows me to identify if a user has clicked on a node or not. The TreeViewHitTestInfo
returned by the HitTest()
method contains a Location
field of type TreeViewHitTestLocations
with the following flags:
public enum TreeViewHitTestLocations
None = 1,
Image = 2,
Label = 4,
Indent = 8,
PlusMinus = 16,
RightOfLabel = 32,
StateImage = 64,
AboveClientArea = 256,
BelowClientArea = 512,
RightOfClientArea = 1024,
LeftOfClientArea = 2048,
This is what I found through testing:
None: White
Image: Green
Label: Yellow
Indent: Dark blue
PlusMinus: Red
RightOfLabel: Light blue
The ClientArea
flags are in light gray, but I haven't been able to identify the StateImage
one. What is a StateImage?
As @Hans Passant mentioned in the comments: you need to set the StateImageList
property to render the StateImage