
How to dynamically add child elements to an existing element using XSLT 3.0?

I have an XML file containing a main element <root> with a child element <item>. I also have other elements elsewhere in the document that contain information I want to add as new child elements to the existing <item>. Thes elements that i want to transform should have a condition (code="code01"), for other codes the attributes should become new child tags with a prefix __.

here is a simple example of my xml file :

        <ref>Initial Value</ref>
        <constant code="code01">
          <value>New Value</value>
          <othertags>Random thing</othertags>
        <constant code="code02">
          <value>New Value 2</value>
          <othertags>Random thing 2</othertags>

i want to transform it so that it can look like the following :

        <ref>Initial Value</ref>
        <newTag>New Value</newTag>
          <__code> code02 </__code>
          <value>New Value 2</value>
          <othertags>Random thing 2</othertags>

How can i achieve this using an xslt transformation please i'm beginner to this ?


  • Well, one step at a time.

    To get from

    <item><ref>Initial Value</ref></item>


       <ref>Initial Value</ref>
       <newTag>New Value</newTag>

    you need a template rule such as

    <xsl:template match="item">
           <xsl:copy-of select="*"/>
               <xsl:value-of select="//extraData/constant[@code='code01']/value"/>

    To remove the code01 element, you need the template rule:

    <xsl:template match="constant[@code='code01']"/>

    To convert the other constant elements, you need a rule such as:

    <xsl:template match="constant[@code != 'code01']">
          <__code><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></__code>
          <xsl:copy-of select="*"/>