I'm using Microsoft 365 and Teams. I need to check the rights of users in a team in MS Teams and in addition given access to files / folders within the folder structure as well.
My first approach was to use the graph sdk. I can access the group and associated team using:
var groups = await graphClient.Groups.GetAsync(x =>
x.QueryParameters.Filter = "displayName eq 'MyTeam'";
var group = groups.First();
var team = await graphClient.Groups[group.Id].Team.GetAsync();
Now I want to determine the site collection and to access it as well to check the members and user rights there.
I used
var associatedSites = await graphClient.Groups[group.Id].Sites.GetAsync();
but I get all sites and not just those of the team.
So how can I get access to the associated site collection and the associated folder structure to check the members and their rights.
The graph api has this endpoint GET /groups/{group-id}/sites/root
. See in the api reference.
So this should work:
var site = await graphClient.Groups[groupId].Sites["root"].GetAsync();