
What is the programming construct in Python of passing some arguments in front of a constructor call? How to interpret parameters passed to an object?

In the below code line, if I am not mistaken, we are creating the object of the class layer.Dense from tensorflow.keras and then passing some arguments to the object in the parethesis. x = layers.Dense(128 * 16 * 16)(inputs). What is this programming construct in Python and what are we exactly doing here?

Note: layer.Dense is a class here.


  • That's just another function call. You basically have:

    <some expression>(inputs)

    So <some expression> evaluated to a function (or other callable).

    Here's a simple example:

    def adder_maker(n):
        def add_n(x):
            return x + n
        return add_n

    Then, you can do something like:

    adder_maker(2)(1)  # returns 3

    It may be more clear if you assign the intermediate result to a variable:

    add_2 = adder_maker(2)
    add_2(1) # returns 3

    One last point - arbitrary objects can be made callable in Python. e.g.

    class MyCallable:
        def __init__(self, value):
            self.value = value
        def __call__(self, x):
            return self.value + x
    f = MyCallable(2)
    f(1) # returns 3
    f.value = 99
    f(1) # returns 100

    So the expression doesn't have to evaluate to a function necessarily, which is just one kind of callable object.

    Here's another way of looking at it, in the expression


    The parentheses are just another operator, the "call operator" is just like a "+ operator" and objects can support using that operator if the implement __call__ (just like objects can support the + operator if they implement __add__)