I am new to Rails, going through the caching mechanism and facing a few issues in Fragment caching and not being able to get the solution
In development.rb
config.action_controller.perform_caching = true
config.cache_store = :memory_store
In posts/index.html.rb
<p style="color: green"><%= notice %></p>
<div id="posts">
<% @posts.each do |post| %>
<% cache post do %>
<%= logger.info "Rendering post #{post.id}" %>
<%= render post %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to "Show this post", post %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to "New post", new_post_path %>
The caching is working as expected and on update, the caching is expiring. According to the doc trying to delete the cache from the console
rails c
post = Post.first
Returning false
On debugging, I found
cache_key = post.cache_key_with_version
This also did not work Rails.cache.clear is also not working. It would be great help to understand this.
From the official guide
When your application receives its first request to this page, Rails will write a new cache entry with a unique key. A key looks something like this:
The string of characters in the middle is a template tree digest. It is a hash digest computed based on the contents of the view fragment you are caching. If you change the view fragment (e.g., the HTML changes), the digest will change, expiring the existing file.
Also pay attention here to the view name (views/products/index). You didn't use it when tried to clear cache
If you want to delete such cache, you can invoke delete_matched
You can manually check stored keys using
Also pay attention to cache store. If you use memory store, it is process-dependent. So cache in the rails s
and rails c
are different. To check server cache use some debugger like this in your view
<% binding.irb %>
or same in the controller