
Lazy Loading Routes with conditions

My routes.js is:

  path: ":term",
  name: "some-name",
  component: () => import("../path/to/com.vue")

Question is: How to make smth like this and make it works:

  path: ":term",
  name: "some-name",
  component: (route) => {
    if(route.term === 'spam'){
       return import("../path/to/com1.vue")
    return import("../path/to/com.vue")


  • The component in a route is only evaluated once. In other words, what you are asking for is not possible, by design.

    However, the functionality can be achieved using a dynamic loader component:

    <!-- RouteTermLoader.vue -->
    <script setup>
    import { defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue'
    import { useRoute } from 'vue-router'
    const route = useRoute()
    const ComponentA = defineAsyncComponent(() =>
    const ComponentB = defineAsyncComponent(() => 
      <ComponentA v-if="route.params.term === 'spam'" />
      <ComponentB v-else />
      path: ":term",
      name: "some-name",
      component: () => import("../path/to/RouteTermLoader.vue")

    Relevant documentation here.