I'm trying to create a ZSH alias so that I can type this:
check 123
And have it run this command:
git checkout APP-123
However this alias:
alias check="git checkout APP-"
It doesn't work. If I run check 123
it says check is not a branch and 123 is not a branch. If I run check123
it says command not found, which does makes sense.
Is there a way to create an alias to checkout a branch with the prefix already filled in?
If you have an alias
alias foo="bar"
and write
foo 123
this is expanded to
bar 123
Similarily if you have an alias
alias check="git checkout APP-"
and write
check 123
it is expanded to
git checkout APP- 123
which obviously doesn't do what you want. If you write check123
, there is nothing which would trigger an expansion, and the shell simply searches for a command of this name in your PATH.
You can write a shell function or a shell script to achieve the goal:
git checkout APP-${1?parameter missing}