2025-03-12 0 0 0
2025-03-11 20740 22740 8680
2025-03-10 17620 12060 4200
2025-03-08 16380 15580 9880
Desired outcome: I have a table StockSoldDetails with the raw data that I would like to summarize as above. For example, C2 is the sum in StockSoldDetails of Quantity where the Date is B2 and the ProductID is C1.
The row headers (Colummn DATE) are dynamically added from a tab named AgentWorkDays:
=UNIQUE(QUERY({AgentWorkDays!$M$2:$M}, " SELECT Col1 WHERE Col1 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY Col1 ASC LABEL Col1 'Date' ", 0))
The Column headers are dynamically added from a tab named Products:
=TRANSPOSE(QUERY(Products!A2:I9, "SELECT Col1 WHERE Col9='Yes'"))
In the desired outcome table, I have to manually insert the formula in each cell; for example in C2:
=(IF(NOT(ISBLANK($B$2:$B)), SUMIFS(StockSoldDetails!$D$2:$D, StockSoldDetails!$J$2:$J, $B$2:$B, StockSoldDetails!$C$2:$C, C$1 ), ""))
My goal: I would like to fill the content of the table dynamically using ARRAYFORMULA so that each time a new row is added the table content is calculated and populated.
What I've tried: I wrapped the formula in C2 in a ARRAYFORMULA() and it only works 50%. It doess generate a new line each time a new date is created but the value on each line is always the same result from the date in B2, see screenshot below:
The formula in C2 to populate column C2:C is:
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(NOT(ISBLANK($B$2:$B)), SUMIFS(StockSoldDetails!$D$2:$D, StockSoldDetails!$J$2:$J, $B$2:$B, StockSoldDetails!$C$2:$C, C$1 ), ""))
I believe the issue is that the criteria C$1 does not meet the format for ARRAYFORMULA. How can I fix this?
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(B2:B="", , SUMIF(StockSoldDetails!J2:J & StockSoldDetails!C2:C, B2:B & C1, StockSoldDetails!D2:D)))