I'm facing a problem with annotating decorators. A raw function can take some arguments and a 'deps' argument. The decorator itself substitutes this argument. Question: how to annotate this decorator and will 'wraps' work correctly? Code:
P = ParamSpec("P")
T = TypeVar("T")
class Injector:
_registered_dependencies: dict[str, Any] = {}
def __init__(self, *dependency: str):
self.dependency = dependency
def __call__(self, func: Callable[Concatenate[dict[str, Any], P], T]) -> Callable[P, T]:
def wrapper(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:
if "deps" in kwargs:
raise ValueError("Argument 'deps' is already provided and will be overwritten.")
deps = {
i: self.__class__._registered_dependencies[i] for i in self.dependency
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(f"Dependency {e.args[0]} is not registered")
return func(*args, **kwargs, deps=deps)
return wrapper
def register(cls, id: str, dependency: Any) -> None:
if not isinstance(id, str):
raise TypeError("Dependency ID must be a string")
if id in cls._registered_dependencies:
raise ValueError(f"Dependency '{id}' is already registered")
cls._registered_dependencies[id] = dependency
def foo(baz: str, deps: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
print(f'{baz=}, {deps=}') # baz='bar', deps={'test': 123}
if __name__ == '__main__':
Injector.register('test', 423)
Tried using Concatenate[dict[str, Any], P] in __call__ types, also swapping arguments in Concatenate in places, but mypy still swears. Mypy says:
error: Argument 1 has incompatible type "*P.args"; expected "dict[str, Any]" [arg-type]
error: Argument "deps" has incompatible type "dict[str, Any]"; expected "P.kwargs" [arg-type]
error: Argument 1 to "__call__" of "Injector" has incompatible type "Callable[[str, dict[str, Any]], None]"; expected "Callable[[dict[str, Any], dict[str, Any]], None]" [arg-type]
note: This is likely because "foo" has named arguments: "baz". Consider marking them positional-only
error: Argument 1 to "foo" has incompatible type "str"; expected "dict[str, Any]" [arg-type]
Be aware that Callable[Concatenate[dict[str, Any], P], T]
means the first argument must be a dict, all others are collected within P
That means the deps
argument must also be the first argument, i.e.
def foo(deps: dict[str, Any], baz: str) -> None:
print(f'{baz=}, {deps=}') # baz='bar', deps={'test': 123}
However you will face runtime problems when the argument is not named deps
, this will not be reported by a type-checker, so you have to change to return func(deps, *args, **kwargs)
If you want to force that the first name is called deps
you use a Protocol
class HasDepsFirst(Protocol[P, T]):
def __call__(deps: dict[str, Any], *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T: ...
# alternatively similar to Callable this allows any name for the argument.
# def __call__(deps: dict[str, Any], /, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T: ...
class Injector:
def __call__(self, func: HasDepsFirst[P, T]) -> Callable[P, T]:
Code sample in pyright playground