I have spring boot 3.4+ reactive webflux app
we have been using below config to get prometheus metrics (Spring Boot 2.x)
private ExchangeFilterFunction metricsWebClientFilterFunction(String name) {
log.info("Register filter function with name: {}", name);
return new MetricsWebClientFilterFunction(meterRegistry, new DefaultWebClientExchangeTagsProvider(), name, AutoTimer.ENABLED);
But due to new spring boot version with observability API this is not working anymore,
We have tried using below config
Also tried various NamingConventionConfig classes, @Observable
but it doesn't help.
We need metrics populated like below
http_client_requests_seconds{error="none",status="200",uri="/endpoint/",quantile="0.9"} 0.0
We're getting unknown uri metrics like below
http_server_requests_active_seconds_bucket{exception="none",method="GET",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",uri="UNKNOWN",le="274.877906944"} 1
Figured out a way to achieve similar metrics with spring boot 3.4+ with below configs
private final ObservationRegistry registry;
public WebClientConfig(ObservationRegistry registry) {
this.registry = registry;
public WebClient webClient(String webClientName, String host) {
HttpClient httpClient = configureHttpClient();
return WebClient.builder()
.observationConvention(new DefaultClientRequestObservationConvention(webClientName))
.clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(httpClient))
And then in the connector class using below code to call external service where
private WebClient webClient;
@Value("${endpoint from yaml}")
private String endpoint;
public Mono<TargetType> getReq(Integer reqNumber) {
return webClient.get()
.uri(endpoint, reqNumber)
This produces correct metrics with right URI including {reqNumber}, status, method