I am attempting to render text in Pashto in a Quarto pdf in r. Below my code:
title: "Pashto text"
toc: true
number-sections: false
colorlinks: true
pdf-engine: lualatex
text: |
```{r setup, echo=FALSE, include=FALSE}
cat("\\selectlanguage{pashto} دا پښتو متن دی")
I get the following error:
installing hyphen-pashto (1 of 1)
ERROR: [non-error-thrown] tlmgr returned a non zero status code
tlmgr install: package hyphen-pashto not present in repository.
tlmgr: action install returned an error; continuing.
tlmgr: An error has occurred. See above messages. Exiting.
In my understanding, there is no hyphen-pashto package. Is there a workaround?
You can use fontspec
and then create a new fontfamily pashtofont
with Script=Arabic. Amiri seems to be not available, which is why I took Arial. The cat-output can be parsed as LaTeX if you put results = 'asis'
. We then also have to use \\textdir TRT
, otherwise cat
will flip the arabic and this will change the meaning!
title: "Pashto text"
toc: true
number-sections: false
colorlinks: true
pdf-engine: lualatex
text: |
```{r test, echo=FALSE, include=TRUE, results='asis'}
cat("\\pashtofont \\textdir TRT دا پښتو متن دی")
You can download Amiri-Regular.ttf and put it in the same directory as your quarto file. Then use the following as outlined here
title: "Pashto text"
toc: true
number-sections: false
colorlinks: true
pdf-engine: lualatex
text: |
\usepackage[bidi=default, nil]{babel}
```{r test, echo=FALSE, include=TRUE, results='asis'}
cat("\\textdir TRT \\pstxt{دا پښتو متن دی}")
helps but will eventually still fail when used with babel and I tried lot's of things. This solution was given here and helped for the "tlmgr returned a non zero status code" error but not directly for this issue. How to reinstall tinytex. What you see here worked for me.