[![This error show in device when login with google]
I face this issue when logging in with Google in iOS Flutter. I checked the auth client ID in Google Cloud, but it's not working. Google Sign-In regenerates another auth client for iOS. Also change in google-service info.plist & info. plist file and also change in firebase-option.dart. I want to fix this issue as soon as possible.
It is working fine on Android but not working on iOS or iPad. I don't know if any configuration is required in the App Store account.
first thing you have to check
1. enable google play service in firebase
2. enable google sign in
3. check the OAuth Consent screen and OAuth Cliend ID's generated
4. download the googleServiceinfo.plist file again there you can see your CLIENT_ID,REVERSED_CLIENT_ID,ANDROID_CLIENT_ID , some othe updated data in googleServiceinfo.plist ( compare old and new info file you can see the changes)
4. need to add the below in info.plist
<string>( your REVERSED_CLIENT_ID
5 . also you need to add your REVERSED_CLIENT_ID in Url Types like below in the URL Schemes
Target--> info--> URL types--> add in URL Schemes
enter image description here
6. flutter clean, flutter pub get
7. check the flow
hope this solution works for you