I am writing series of small macros to manipulate data on a series of identical sheets.
For example, on every sheet E3 is the sheet's subject.
I am looking for a way to globally define E3 as a variable called SheetSubject for any macro I write.
I am envisioning something like this.
SheetSubject = Range("E3")
I'd then be able to use SheetSubject in my macros instead of referring to Range("E3")
every time.
This type of macro wide definition means I only have change one bit of code...say E3 to E67...in one place instead of lots of macros should the data in E3 move to E67,
Global variables only define names for macro wide use...not a location.
I've thought about each macro calling a higher macro to define globally defined variables, but this seems clumsy.
As a Function for example (in a regular module):
Function SheetSubject(ws As Worksheet) As Range
Set SheetSubject = ws.Range("E3")
End Function
Usage example:
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws in ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Name like "Data*" Then Debug.Print ws.Name, SheetSubject(ws)
Next ws
However, if you have a bunch of sheets which all share the same common layout and purpose, it's usually tidier to write a Class module to encapsulate the common properties and behaviors. For example you could write a class clsDataSheet
Const RNG_SUBJ As String = "E3"
Const RNG_TITLE As String = "E4"
Private wsDS As Worksheet
Sub Init(ws As Worksheet)
Set wsDS = ws 'assign the worksheet which this object will wrap
End Sub
Property Get Subject() As String 'read the Subject
Subject = wsDS.Range(RNG_SUBJ).Value
End Property
Property Get Title() As String
Title = wsDS.Range(RNG_TITLE).Value
End Property
Property Let Title(v As String) 'add a Let if you need to write to the property
'you could add some checks on `v` here...
wsDS.Range(RNG_TITLE).Value = v
End Property
'other properties and/or methods here
Then you can do something like this:
Dim oDS as clsDataSheet
Set oDS = New clsDataSheet
oDS.Init ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Debug.Print oDS.Subject
Debug.Print oDS.Title
oDS.Title = "New Title here"