
Azure Python Speech Sdk get mstts:express-as styles from API

I have a Python Kivy App where you can use different TTS APIs. I use the basic SSML-Tags but I want to add the Microsoft exclusive styles of the mstts:express-as attribute. Is there any way to get the available styles for each voice dynamically from the API without having to hardcode it for 50 voices?


  • I tried the below code to get the available styles for each voice from the Azure Text-to-Speech API.

    I modified the line below in the code to retrieve the available styles for 50 voices without any issues.

    for voice in voices[:50]:

    import requests
    speech_key = "<SppechKey>"
    region = "<SpeechRegion>"
    endpoint = f"https://{region}"
    headers = {
        "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": speech_key
    response = requests.get(endpoint, headers=headers)
    voices = response.json()
    for voice in voices:
        full_name = voice["Name"]
        short_name = voice.get("ShortName", "N/A")
        styles = voice.get("StyleList", []) 
        print(f"Full Name: {full_name}, Short Name: {short_name}")
        if styles:
            print(f"Voice: {short_name}, Styles: {', '.join(styles)}")
            print(f"Voice: {short_name}, Styles: None")

    Output :

    I successfully retrieved the list of styles available for 50 Text-to-Speech voices.

    enter image description here