
patchwork's operations on the legend position of a subgraph during merging

In the most straightforward case, the patchwork does a good job of pairing its two panels, but it also seems to ignore the subdiagram's specification of the location of the legend legend.box.spacing:


p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg))
p + geom_point(aes(colour = factor(cyl)))

p1 <- p + geom_point(aes(colour = cyl))+
  theme(legend.box.spacing = unit(20, 'pt'))

p2 <- p + geom_point(aes(colour = cyl*100))+
  theme(legend.box.spacing = unit(20, 'pt'))

patchwork::wrap_plots(p1, p2, ncol = 1)

enter image description here

This should align the overall width of the two figures (use free):

At this time the legend and panel should be positioned according to their respective settings.

patchwork::wrap_plots(free(p1), free(p2), ncol = 1)

enter image description here

The result with collect is very close to the expected result. But it doesn't align with the respective subgraphs, which is also not appropriate.

patchwork::wrap_plots(p1, p2, ncol = 1, guides = 'collect')

enter image description here

So is there a way to be able to align the panels and at the same time make sure that the legend of each subfigure is fixed to its own panel position as specified?


Problems arise when there are multiple levels of wrap_plots.

In my practical use, it is the merging process of multiple raster data that is not aligned, should I avoid using wrap_plots multiple times?

The following code is my reproduction of the process:

# raster data
r1 <- rast(nrow = 10, ncol = 10)
values(r1) <- 1:ncell(r1)
r2 <- r1 * r1

rr <- c(r1, r2) |>
  `names<-`(c("r1", "r2"))

p1 <- ggplot() +
  geom_spatraster(data = rr) +

p2 <- ggplot() +
  geom_spatraster(data = r1) +

p3 <- ggplot() +
  geom_spatraster(data = rr / 10) +

p4 <- ggplot() +
  geom_spatraster(data = r2) +

design = 'aab

patchwork::wrap_plots(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2, design = design) &
    legend.box.background = element_rect(color = 'red'),
    legend.justification = 'left'

Everything is fine, left aligned as expected. enter image description here

BUT: Even & not * fails to work on all subgraphs.

sub1 <- wrap_plots(p1, p2, design = 'aab')
sub2 <- wrap_plots(p3, p4, design = 'aab')

wrap_plots(sub1, sub2, ncol = 1) &
    legend.box.background = element_rect(color = 'blue'),
    legend.justification = 'left'

enter image description here


  • One option to achieve your desired result would be to set the justification of both legends to "left":

    Note: Just for the reprex I added a red outline around the legend boxes.

    p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg))
    p1 <- p + geom_point(aes(colour = cyl))
    p2 <- p + geom_point(aes(colour = cyl * 100))
    patchwork::wrap_plots(p1, p2, ncol = 1) &
        legend.box.background = element_rect(color = "red"),
        legend.box.spacing = unit(20, "pt"),
        legend.justification.right = "left"