Flutter App, API backend exchanging array of nested objects in JSON format.
Setting up JSON serialization / deserialization with the following articles, using json_serializable
Created nested classes, with the proper annotation (@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true
) and successfully created .g.dart
Deserialization works perfectly with the following code:
List<MyModel> myNestedObjVar = deserialize(String apiResponse);
List<MyModel> deserialize(String data) {
final parsed = (jsonDecode(data) as List).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>();
return parsed
.map<MyModel>((json) => MyModel.fromJson(json))
What I am looking for is how to get the JSON string back, something like:
String myStrVar = serialize(myNestedObjVar);
String serialize(List<MyModel> data) {
There are lot of questions / websites who explain in details deserialization of nested objects, but none who explain the inverse process of serialization. Obvious, it is the inverse of the above deserialize
function (here the code is compacted) but I cannot understand each inner step and then how to reverse it.
Any help is apreciated.
just use the jsonEncode and toJson functions like you did with jsonDecode and fromJson
String serialize(List<MyModel> data) {
final list = data.map((map) => map.toJson()).toList();
return jsonEncode(list);