SystemWeb Adapters Authentication failing due to multiple redirects with "query string is too long"

I am facing a problem when using systemweb adapters and YARP to incrementally migrate from ASP.NET on .NET 4.8 to ASP.NET Core 8.0.

Specifically I am using authentication client and server and when I browse the home page before authentication on a mobile device, the request URL becomes too long due to recursive addition of ReturnUrls to it.

The URL looks like this:


This is the code on the ASP.NET Core side:

using WebCore;
using Yarp.ReverseProxy.Forwarder;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Add services to the container.
    .AddJsonSessionSerializer(options =>
        // <snip>
    .AddRemoteAppClient( options =>
        options.RemoteAppUrl = new(builder.Configuration["ProxyTo"]);
        options.ApiKey = builder.Configuration["ProxyApiKey"];
    .AddAuthenticationClient(isDefaultScheme: true)



// <snip>

var app = builder.Build();

var forwarderRequestConfig = builder.Configuration.GetSection("ForwarderRequestConfig")

if (!app.Environment.IsDevelopment())




app.MapForwarder("/{**catch-all}", app.Configuration["ProxyTo"], forwarderRequestConfig, new ForwardOriginalUrlTransformer())
    .Add(static builder => ((RouteEndpointBuilder)builder).Order = int.MaxValue);



On the ASP.NET side, I have an AccountsController for login that looks like this:

public ActionResult Login(string returnUrl = "", string mode = "")

    if (returnUrl.Contains("/account/login"))
        return RedirectToAction("login", "account", new { mode = "login" });

    var model = new
                    Mode = mode,
                    RedirectUrl = returnUrl,
                    ValidationLiterals = AccountFacade.ValidationLiterals()

    return View(model.ToJson());

And the Mobility attribute is coded as:

public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
    // Determine if we've processed their preference already via the UI site-switching links
    var useMobileValue = HttpContext.Current.Session["UseMobile"];

    bool useMobile;
    // <snip>

    if (useMobile)
        var url = "/mobile";

        if (!Global.Authenticated)
            url += "/login";

        filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(url);

Thanks for your time.

I was expecting this work by default but it doesn't. I have tried adding a middleware to strip off extra ReturnUrls on the ASP.NET Core side, but it is getting more and more complicated as I code it and it is not helping.

I am wondering if the multiple redirects is causing problems with the auth flow. Is there a work around for this? Will it help me if I migrate the home and accounts controller over to ASP.NET Core, but in this case, how do I set the login path?


  • I fixed this using the following code

    public override async ValueTask<bool> TransformResponseAsync(HttpContext context, HttpResponseMessage proxyResponse)
        // Allow redirect response to pass through
        if (proxyResponse?.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Found &&
            proxyResponse?.Headers?.Location?.ToString()?.EndsWith("/mobile/login", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true)
            context.Response.StatusCode = (int)proxyResponse.StatusCode;
            context.Response.Headers.Location = proxyResponse.Headers.Location?.ToString();
            return false; // Prevent YARP from processing the redirect
        // Allow default processing for other responses
        return await HttpTransformer.Default.TransformResponseAsync(context, proxyResponse);