I'm trying to pull some data using httr::GET
but the problem I am facing now is that the response seems to be encoded and I am not sure how I can solve this.
Here is the url of historical data on football for argentina
I had managed to locate the corresponding GET
request that pulls the data so I was doing the following:
ul1<- "https://www.oddsportal.com/ajax-sport-country-tournament-archive_/1/vZTffojG/X218480680X24584X0X0X136839680X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X134283269X512X1048578X1048576X0X1024X18464X131072X256X0X0X0X0X131072X0X128/0/1/page/1//"
t<-httr::GET(ul1, add_headers('User-Agent' = 'Mozilla/5.0 ', 'sec-ch-ua-platform' = "Windows", 'x-requested-with' = "XMLHttpRequest"), accept_json())
get2json<- content(t, as = "text")
However the response looks like this (sample):
> get2json
From what I've read this might be some base64 encoding so I tried converting it doing this:
It seems like it's doing some converting since I now have some /
in the output but still it is a bunch of alphanumeric characters.
Any hints appreciated
Using this great answer so CREDIT to @Juiced - the guy is insane for figuring this one out.
decodes to
{'s': 1, 'd': {'nullResultText': 'Unfortunately, no matches can be displayed because there are no odds available from your selected bookmakers.'}, 'refresh': 20}
In Order to decode, you need the salt
& password
obtained from the App.js
+ an initialization vector IV
- IV
is given in your decoded text after the collon:
. I tried to recreate this in R but could not find any function, that replaces PBKDF2HMAC
. So I used the python-obtained aes_key
ul1 <- "https://www.oddsportal.com/ajax-sport-country-tournament-archive_/1/vZTffojG/X218480680X24584X0X0X136839680X0X0X0X0X0X134283269X512X1048578X1048576X0X1024X18464X131072X256X0X0X0X0X131072X0X128/0/1/page/1//"
t <- httr::GET(ul1, add_headers(
'User-Agent' = 'Mozilla/5.0 ',
'sec-ch-ua-platform' = "Windows",
'x-requested-with' = "XMLHttpRequest"
), accept_json())
# Decode base64 content
decoded_base64 <- base64enc::base64decode(rawToChar(t$content))
result <- rawToChar(decoded_base64)
split_data <- unlist(strsplit(result, ":"))
encrypted <- split_data[1]
key_hex <- split_data[2]
encrypted_bytes <- base64enc::base64decode(encrypted)
# hex to raw format
key_bytes <- as.raw(as.numeric(sapply(seq(1, nchar(key_hex), by=2), function(x) strtoi(substr(key_hex, x, x+1), 16L))))
# aes_key obtained from python script
aes_key <- as.raw(c(0x8f, 0x3b, 0x48, 0x9f, 0x3a, 0x7d, 0xa5, 0xc2, 0x1e, 0x51, 0xcc, 0x15, 0xe5, 0xbe, 0xa6, 0x6f,
0x67, 0xe6, 0x05, 0x49, 0x47, 0x37, 0xa7, 0xc2, 0x12, 0xe3, 0xc0, 0xea, 0x31, 0x95, 0xeb, 0xbd))
# Decrypt using AES-CBC
decrypted_bytes <- openssl::aes_cbc_decrypt(encrypted_bytes, key = aes_key, iv = key_bytes)
decoded <- fromJSON(rawToChar(decrypted_bytes))
> decoded
[1] 1
[1] "Unfortunately, no matches can be displayed because there are no odds available from your selected bookmakers."
[1] 20
So I found this implementation of PBKDF2HMAC
and translated it to R. Using this I could obtain the aes_key.
Using Browser Tools, go to Sources
-> www.oddsportal.com/res/public/js/build/app.js?v=250312132723 and search for jt(r.data
the left is the Password, the right is the Salt.
ul1 <- "https://www.oddsportal.com/ajax-sport-country-tournament-archive_/1/vZTffojG/X218480680X24584X0X0X136839680X0X0X0X0X0X134283269X512X1048578X1048576X0X1024X18464X131072X256X0X0X0X0X131072X0X128/0/1/page/1//"
t <- httr::GET(ul1, add_headers(
'User-Agent' = 'Mozilla/5.0 ',
'sec-ch-ua-platform' = "Windows",
'x-requested-with' = "XMLHttpRequest"
), accept_json())
# Decode base64 content
decoded_base64 <- base64enc::base64decode(rawToChar(t$content))
result <- rawToChar(decoded_base64)
split_data <- unlist(strsplit(result, ":"))
encrypted <- split_data[1]
key_hex <- split_data[2]
# Decode the encrypted data
encrypted_bytes <- base64enc::base64decode(encrypted)
# Convert key from hex to raw format
key_bytes <- as.raw(as.numeric(sapply(seq(1, nchar(key_hex), by=2), function(x) strtoi(substr(key_hex, x, x+1), 16L))))
# Obtaining aes_key
# Helper function for HMAC
hmac_sha1 <- function(key, data) {
digest::hmac(key, data, algo = "sha256", raw = TRUE)
# Pack integer to big-endian 4-byte representation
INT <- function(i) {
stopifnot(i > 0)
result <- raw(4)
result[1] <- as.raw((i %/% 16777216) %% 256)
result[2] <- as.raw((i %/% 65536) %% 256)
result[3] <- as.raw((i %/% 256) %% 256)
result[4] <- as.raw(i %% 256)
# XOR two raw vectors - fixed implementation
xor_raw <- function(A, B) {
stopifnot(length(A) == length(B))
result <- raw(length(A))
for (i in 1:length(A)) {
# Convert raw to integer, perform XOR, then convert back to raw
result[i] <- as.raw(bitwXor(as.integer(A[i]), as.integer(B[i])))
# Main PBKDF2 function
pbkdf2 <- function(P, S, c, dkLen, prf = hmac_sha1) {
# Get hash length
test_hash <- prf(P, S)
hLen <- length(test_hash)
# Validate parameters
if (dkLen > (2^32 - 1) * hLen) {
stop("derived key too long")
# Calculate required number of blocks
l <- ceiling(dkLen / hLen)
r <- dkLen - (l - 1) * hLen
# F function as per RFC 2898
F <- function(i) {
U <- S
U <- c(U, INT(i))
result <- NULL
U_prev <- U
for (j in 1:c) {
U_prev <- prf(P, U_prev)
if (is.null(result)) {
result <- U_prev
} else {
result <- xor_raw(result, U_prev)
# Calculate all blocks
T <- vector("list", l)
for (i in 1:l) {
T[[i]] <- F(i)
# Concatenate blocks and trim to required length
DK <- unlist(T)
if (length(DK) > dkLen) {
DK <- DK[1:dkLen]
password <- charToRaw("%RtR8AB&nWsh=AQC+v!=pgAe@dSQG3kQ")
salt <- charToRaw("orieC_jQQWRmhkPvR6u2kzXeTube6aYupiOddsPortal")
derived_key <- pbkdf2(password, salt, 1000, 32)
# Decrypt using AES-CBC
decrypted_bytes <- openssl::aes_cbc_decrypt(encrypted_bytes, key = derived_key, iv = key_bytes)
# show
decoded <- fromJSON(rawToChar(decrypted_bytes))