
How to add a specific line at the end of a java constructor using ast-grep?

I'm working with ast-grep and trying to modify Java code by adding a new line at the end of a constructor. Despite several attempts, I haven't been able to figure out the correct approach.

Here's what I'm trying to achieve:

Original constructor:

public RiskHandler() {
    final RiskApplicationComponent riskApplicationComponent = DaggerRiskApplicationComponent.create();
    processor = riskApplicationComponent.riskProcessor();

Desired output:

public RiskHandler() {
    final RiskApplicationComponent riskApplicationComponent = DaggerRiskApplicationComponent.create();
    processor = riskApplicationComponent.riskProcessor();
    testObj = new TestClassProvider().provideTestObj(true);

I need to add the line testObj = new TestClassProvider().provideTestObj(true); as the last line inside the constructor.

I've tried using this YAML configuration, but it's not working:

id: add_agent_declaration
language: java
  kind: constructor_declaration
  pattern: |
    public $CLASS_NAME() {
fix: |-
  public $CLASS_NAME() {
    testObj = new TestClassProvider().provideTestObj(true);

ast-grep playground link

I've been looking through the ast-grep documentation but haven't found a clear way to achieve this.

Could someone please help me with how to add a specific new line at the end of the constructor body.

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!


  • It almost works when you match against the constructor_body instead of the constructor_declaration. Strangely, however, you need to provide the opening { but the closing } becomes part of $$$BODY, which means you cannot put any additional lines before the }.


    language: java
      kind: constructor_body
      pattern: |
    fix: |-
          testObj = new TestClassProvider().provideTestObj(true);


    public RiskHandler() {
            final RiskApplicationComponent riskApplicationComponent = DaggerRiskApplicationComponent.create();
            processor = riskApplicationComponent.riskProcessor();
            testObj = new TestClassProvider().provideTestObj(true);

    This does not happen when you match the individual lines, which indeed gives the desired result:

    language: java
      kind: constructor_body
      pattern: |
    fix: |-
          testObj = new TestClassProvider().provideTestObj(true);

    However, of course you may not know how many lines there are and in any case it is not a very clean solution.

    To match all lines at once and still add the extra line at the right position you can use a workaround: take the full constructor body as a single node $BODY and strip the final two characters (the } and the character before, which I'm not fully sure what it is but it messes up the layout if you don't remove it).

    id: add_agent_declaration
    language: java
      kind: constructor_body
      pattern: $BODY
          source: $BODY
          startChar: 0
          endChar: -2
      testObj = new TestClassProvider().provideTestObj(true);

    This generates the correct code with the additional line within the braces.