I am currently editing a probably 20 year old GridEX in my company's code base, but I encountered the following issue: When I want to group my rows, the group itself seems to have some kind of padding or empty lines at the top of its visual area. I have tried a lot but there is always some roughly 30% of space used up for the top of the group row, but trying to add any text there for testing also didn't yield any results.
Does anybody know if there are empty lines or general padding above the actual text of the group or if it is just some padding and whatever the case, is it somehow possible to get rid of it so I can actually center my content properly?
As you can see in the picture, the group row (where "(none)" is displayed) contains some padding above, when I also aligned my content to the center. If I set it to "near", it's barely above the center.
For anybody seeing this question in the future and searching for an answer, here is what I found out:
It isn't possible.
I tried around for over 15 hours, asked colleagues who had a lot of experience with Janus and GridEX and searched basically through the entire web. This padding is built-in and cannot be tweaked.
As for how I solved my issue with a work-around: I asked the question in the first place because I wanted to add a centered image on the left, which would always be lower due to the padding. Therefore I added a fully transparent image with as much width as I desired the text to be moved to the right and used the Paint event to draw the actual image over it with the cell bounds. If you also require the text to be centered, use the same technique.
I know this isn't a satisfying answer, but it is what it is. If I could ask you one favor, it would be to stay away from Janus Winforms or migrate to better, actually still existing alternatives with an actual future, if possible. I know it isn't possible in many cases due to time issues or huge code bases, but if you can, please, please please, for your own sanity, migrate!!