I am using survey-react-ui version 1.12.27, all other events are triggering but onUploadFiles event is not triggering.
When i select file using "choose file" button event does not trigger. while drag and drop the file to the drag drop area triggers the onUploadFiles event. i tried with different versions of react and different versions of survey-react-ui, for each new project it works fine but in my project where i need it work correctly it is not working.
i tried to manually fire the model.onUploadFiles event by adding an event listener to the choose file button, but in this case i am not able to get all the call backs which are available survey-react-ui's onUploadFiles.
I figured out, latest version does not support bootstrap. when i started updating 4 years old version to 1.12.26, documentation stated that bootstrap support is obsolete, but they also provided how to apply bootstrap them. as per surveyjs documentation they update version every 2 weeks, in version 1.12.27 and 2.0.0 they removed it completely.
the issue was that they have not handled file upload case for bootstrap and that's why the event was not working.
if someone is looking to migrate or update version and using bootstrap, they have to choose one of their provided theme and you can customize that theme to match your website theme.