
Writing an independent routine to add a minimization constraint in solnl()

I need to find a way to write an independent routine to add a particular constraint to a minimization problem in solnl()

With a concrete example, one has this

##### for optimization


###objective function to minimize


### our initial constraint to be improved

constraint = function(x){
f = NULL
f = rbind(f, x[2] - 2)

return(list(ceq = f, c= NULL))


#### solve now
x0 = c(1,1)

Say that we want to add the new constraint

h(x) = x[1] - 1

which makes the problem easy to solve.

I would like to have a function named add_constraint(h) that would generate the same usable output as

constraint = function(x){
 f = NULL
 f = rbind(f, x[2] - 2)
 f = rbind(f,x[1] - 1 )
 return(list(ceq = f, c= NULL))


I have tried the following without success

f = paste0("x[1] - 1")
h = paste0("x[2] - 2")

local = rbind(f,h)

# then the routine
add_constraint = function(local){

  f= NULL
  for( i in 1:2)
  f = rbind(f, local[i])
  return(list(ceq=f, c= NULL))

 constraint = add_constraint(local)


  • You could add sth in the body, using str2lang() since you have strings, and move the return one forward.

    > constraint  ## old FUN
    function(x) {
      f <- NULL
      f <- rbind(f, x[2] - 2)
      return(list(ceq=f, c=NULL))
    > add_constraint <- \(x) {
    +   bd <- body(constraint)
    +   rt <- bd[[length(bd)]]
    +   bd[[length(bd)]] <- str2lang(x)
    +   bd[[length(bd) + 1]] <- rt
    +   body(constraint) <- bd
    +   constraint
    + }
    > constraint <- add_constraint('f <- rbind(f, x[1] - 1)')
    > constraint  ## new FUN
    function (x) 
        f <- NULL
        f <- rbind(f, x[2] - 2)
        f <- rbind(f, x[1] - 1)
        return(list(ceq = f, c = NULL))