I am creating 508 compliance scripts using Cypress and the axe library.
I have a statement in my test to invoke a scan:
cy.checkA11y('#wrapper', TTv5Conf, cy.displayError, true);
My callback function details all the violations in a custom log.
I would also like to print a simple string indicating that all is well when there are no violations.
has no return, so how do I determine that it found no violations?
It appears you are passing a custom command (or perhaps a custom query) as 3rd parameter instead of a function.
Understandable since the repo lacks examples. But the source types the third param as a function returning void
const checkA11y = (
context?: axe.ElementContext,
options?: Options,
violationCallback?: (violations: axe.Result[]) => void,
skipFailures = false
) => {
WRT to handling no violations, the library does not handle the case at all, here is the source for the call to violationCallback()
if (violations.length) { <-- doesn't call if no violations
if (violationCallback) {
so you need to add the code directly in your test, or wrap it in another custom command to correct the bug.
function myViolationCallback(violations) {
cy.checkA11y('#wrapper', TTv5Conf, myViolationCallback, true);
cy.get('@noViolations').then((noViolations) => {
if (noViolations) {
cy.log('No violations, all is good')