I am trying to repeat this guide
It's my customizer
class Http3NettyWebServerCustomizer implements WebServerFactoryCustomizer<NettyReactiveWebServerFactory> {
public void customize(NettyReactiveWebServerFactory factory) {
factory.addServerCustomizers(server -> {
SslBundle sslBundle = factory.getSslBundles().getBundle("http3");
Http3SslContextSpec sslContextSpec =
Http3SslContextSpec.forServer(sslBundle.getManagers().getKeyManagerFactory(), sslBundle.getKey().getPassword());
return server
// Configure HTTP/3 protocol
// Configure HTTP/3 SslContext
.secure(spec -> spec.sslContext(sslContextSpec))
.http3Settings(spec -> spec.idleTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(5))
It's my controller:
public class HelloController {
String hello() {
return "Hello HTTP/3!";
It's my application properties:
For generate a keystore i used:
keytool -genkeypair -alias http3 -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 \
-validity 3650 -dname "CN=localhost" -keypass changeit -keystore keystore.p12 \
-storeType PKCS12 -storepass changeit
when I try to open a page "localhost:888/hello" in the browser, i get an error: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
browser: chrome v128
What am I doing wrong? Please, help
I think there is a problem with the certificate. If i switch to http 1, everything works. Can you tell me how to generate and put the certificate correctly?
later, I generated a keystore for the server and a truststore for the client. Add dependency netty-incubator-codec-native-quic for client. Configure http3client:
SslBundle sslBundle = factory.getSslBundles().getBundle("http3");
TrustManager[] trustManagers = sslBundle.getManagers().getTrustManagers();
Http3SslContextSpec sslContextSpec = Http3SslContextSpec
.configure(s -> s.trustManager(trustManagers[0]));
return HttpClient.create()
// Configure HTTP/3 protocol
// Configure HTTP/3 settings
.secure(spec -> spec.sslContext(sslContextSpec))
.http3Settings(spec -> spec
And it works!