I've been playing around width linearGradients in SVGs to try and render a brickwork pattern on an SVG rect element.
But i cannot get my head around the repeat spreadMethod and if it can even be used to make a pattern like https://codepen.io/lina994/pen/mdwpodZ . I appreciate this could be done with lots of sperate SVG elements but I would prefer to do this cleanly to make it easy to alter the SVG.
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000">
<linearGradient spreadMethod="repeat" id="brick1" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="0%" y2="10%">
<stop class="mortar" offset="0"/>
<stop class="mortar" offset="1%"/>
<stop class="brick" offset="1%"/>
<stop class="brick" offset="9%"/>
<stop class="mortar" offset="9%"/>
<stop class="mortar" offset="10%"/>
<stop class="brick" offset="10%"/>
<stop class="brick" offset="17%"/>
<linearGradient id="brick2" spreadMethod="repeat" x1="0%" x2="11%">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="transparent" />
<stop offset="10%" stop-color="transparent" />
<stop class="mortar" offset="10%" />
<stop class="mortar" offset="11%" />
<stop offset="11%" stop-color="transparent" />
.ground {
fill: #073605;
.fence {
fill: #480d0d;
.front {
fill: url(#brick1);
.front-mortar {
fill: url(#brick2);
.brick {
stop-color: #b00;
.mortar {
stop-color: #bbb;
.side {
fill: darkred;
.back-roof {
fill: #901900;
.front-roof {
fill: #a62f20;
.path {
fill: brown;
.front-window {
fill: white;
height: 50px;
width: 100px;
.tree-branches {
fill: darkgreen;
stroke: #38682d;
stroke-width: 5px;
.tree-trunk {
fill: brown;
stroke: #552222;
stroke-width: 5px;
.grass {
fill: green;
<rect class="ground" height="500" width="1000" y="500" />
<rect class="fence" height="20" y="480" width="1000" />
<rect class="front" width="500" height="300" x="100" y="450" />
<rect class="front-mortar" width="500" height="300" x="100" y="450" />
<rect class="door" width="50" height="100" fill="black" x="330" y="650" />
<polygon class="back-roof" points="600,450 550,350 650,250 700,300" />
<polygon class="front-roof" points="600,450 550,350 150,350 100,450" />
<polygon class="side" points="600,750 600,450, 700,300 700,500" />
<polygon class="grass" points="100,750 50,900 600,900 740,500 700,500 600,750 " />
<polygon class="path" points="320,750 300,800 83,800 66,850 350,850 390,750" />
<g class="front-windows">
<rect class="front-window" x="150" y="650" />
<rect class="front-window" x="150" y="500" />
<rect class="front-window" x="450" y="500" />
<rect class="front-window" x="450" y="650" />
As suggested, using a pattern could be a simple solution. I declare a pattern with two rows of bricks. For now, I have only offset them by half.
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1500 1500">
<!-- Define the brick pattern -->
<pattern id="brickPattern" width="75" height="50" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<rect width="50" height="20" x="0" y="0" fill="#b00" />
<rect width="50" height="20" x="25" y="24" fill="#b00" />
<rect fill="url(#brickPattern)" width="500" height="500"/>
It is already clear that to achieve the brick pattern, need to split the second row of bricks into two parts for repetition: a starting and an ending element, and the gap between the bricks should be between the starting and ending elements.
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1500 1500">
<!-- Define the brick pattern -->
<pattern id="brickPattern" width="75" height="50" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<rect width="50" height="20" x="0" y="0" fill="#b00" />
<!-- <rect width="50" height="20" x="25" y="24" fill="#b00" /> -->
<rect width="25" height="20" x="0" y="24" fill="#b00" /> <!-- part end -->
<rect width="25" height="20" x="50" y="24" fill="#b00" /> <!-- part start -->
<rect fill="url(#brickPattern)" width="500" height="500"/>
Now just need to set the proper dimensions:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1500 1500">
<!-- Define the brick pattern -->
<pattern id="brickPattern" width="54" height="48" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<rect width="50" height="20" x="0" y="0" fill="#b00" />
<!-- <rect width="50" height="20" x="25" y="24" fill="#b00" /> -->
<rect width="25" height="20" x="0" y="24" fill="#b00" /> <!-- part end -->
<rect width="25" height="20" x="29" y="24" fill="#b00" /> <!-- part start -->
<rect fill="url(#brickPattern)" width="500" height="500"/>
Note: I just wanted to demonstrate the quick logic, so I scaled down the SVG's size. The logic itself is a 2-row repeating pattern, where the second row needs to be split into a starting and an ending brick.