I'm trying to find an example of using Playwright to scaping data from the web. Data with numerous <div>
tags is placed on the webpage. I need to extract it from the tag <span>
to array for the tag <product-key-value>
. The majority of the code was obtained from here.
This is one possible code, but it didn't work:
product_section = page.locator('//div[@class="product-key-value"]')
spans = product_section.locator('span')
span_elements = spans.element_handles()
data_array = [span.text_content() for span in span_elements]
Similar solution, but useless for me:
Solution is founded!
With 'locator' method, we get all data between the product-card-info
tags and with 'for' collect data to array or print on screen. In my case locator
look like '#main > div > mp-main > mp-product-page > div > div > div > product-page-default-layout > product-card > div > div >.....
all_links = await page.locator("locator copied from html").all()
for link in all_links:
text = await link.inner_text()
Using "selector" not "xPath"