I'm building a MAUI app that includes a NativeLibraryInterop based closely on the Firebase sample.
The NativeLibraryInterop project builds successfully. However, when I build the apps project itself, I get a bunch of errors related to the interfaces.
clang++ exited with code 1:
// a path
"OBJC_CLASS$_MauiFIRApp", referenced from:
// a path
error : Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
How do I fix this?
Add the [Protocol]
attribute to each interface that is referenced in the "Undefined symbols for architecture arm64" errors.
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface MauiFIRApp
// Interface code
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface MauiFIRApp
// Interface code
Then rebuild your NativeLibraryInterop project. If migrating between .Net versions / xcode versions, you might need to rebuild the native library as well 🤷♀️