I have a Python source file with some dummy code:
a = 3
if a == 1:
print("a = 1")
elif a == 2:
print("a = 2")
When I submit the code to terminal with shift+enter, I get the following error. It looks like VS Code changed the indentation of my code. The same code ran just fine with shift+enter on my other computer. The error message is as below:
PS C:\Users\win32> & C:/Users/win32/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python313/python.exe
Python 3.13.0 (tags/v3.13.0:60403a5, Oct 7 2024, 09:38:07) [MSC v.1941 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
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>>> a = 3
>>> if a == 1:
... print("a = 1")
... elif a == 2:
... print("a = 2")
... else:
... print("Other")
File "<python-input-1>", line 3
elif a == 2:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Any insights?
bug: Python3.13 All functions fail to send: IndentationError: unexpected indent
Use python 3.12