
commandline phpunit always giving file * not found

I installed phpunit on my laptop and all works fine, but on installation on my PC, when I type phpunit . or phpunit xyzTest.php I get:

PHPUnit 12.0.8` by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Test file "*" not found

Is this because I installed phpunit globally? And if this is the case what can I do? Unistall and reinstall for the local user only?

Test files use the xyxTest.php naming convention, such as userTest.php.

The test folder has a phpunit.xml with this content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<testsuite name='My Test Suit'>
    <directory suffix='.php'>./</directory>


  • Sorry was my mistake. in the phunit.cmd batch file, I missed a %before the * hence commandpromt alway grumbling about *

    The batch file has:

    @php "%~dp0phpunit.phar" %* 

    Last % was missing, My baad!