I am plotting a raster with terra
and I want the legend to show on the right side of the raster bounding box. However, when setting the legend position to "right", the legend ends up being placed inside the raster bounding box instead of outside as in the default case. It follows that the legend will generally cover the raster. I am currently using terra
development version 1.8-36, but the same behavior occurred also with previous versions. I attach hereby a minimal working example and the related plot.
r <- rast(system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra"))
x <- scale_linear(r, 0, 30)
bks <- c(0,0.4,0.8,1.3,2,4,8,15,30)
colors <- c('#3182BD', '#9ECAE1', '#DEEBF7', '#FEE5D9', '#FCAE91',
'#FB6A4A', '#DE2D26', '#A50F15')
plot(x, col=colors, box=F, axes=F, breaks=bks, reverse=TRUE,
title = "Title",
title.cex = 1.2,
cex = 1.2
You can set classes/interval legend location with plg=list(x=, y=)
r <- rast(system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra"))
plot(r, breaks=5, plg=list(x=6.25, y=50.18, title="Title"))