
In a Quarto Revealjs presentation, how can I exclude slides based on parameters set in YAML?

I am preparing slides for a course in Quarto using Revealjs.

How can I render two different versions of the presentation? One for the students (including tasks) and one for the presenter (including solution slides). I tried to use the following in the YAML:

  version: "student" # or "presenter"

and then conditionally render slides using

::: {.content-visible when-params.version=="presenter"}

## Solution to Task 2

2 + 2 = 4 


But independent of what is set as version, the solutions are shown. What can I do alternatively?


  • Following the docs on conditional content you can achieve your desired result by matching on boolean meta data like so:

    title: "Untitled"
    format: revealjs
      presenter: false
    ## Task 2
    ::: {.content-visible when-meta="version.presenter"}
    ## Solution to Task 2
    2 + 2 = 4 

    enter image description here

    And when set to true:

    enter image description here