I have used the VBA JSON library (https://github.com/VBA-tools/VBA-JSON/releases) to attempt to parse a json file into an access table.
The code I use is:
Private Function JSONImport()
Dim db As database, qdef As QueryDef
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim DataLine As String, jsonStr As String, strSQL As String
Dim p As Object, element As Variant
Set db = CurrentDb
FileNum = FreeFile()
Open "M:\ImportBamboo\Emp.json" For Input As #FileNum
jsonStr = ""
While Not EOF(FileNum)
Line Input #FileNum, DataLine
jsonStr = jsonStr & DataLine & vbNewLine
Close #FileNum
Set p = ParseJson(jsonStr)
'MsgBox jsonStr
For Each element In p
strSQL = "PARAMETERS [firstName] Text(255), [lastName] Text(255), " _
& "[SSN] Text(255), [maritalStatus] Text(255); " _
& "INSERT INTO BambooEmpTest (FirstName, LastName, SSN, MaritalStatus) " _
& "VALUES([firstName], [lastName], [SSN], [maritalStatus]);"
Set qdef = db.CreateQueryDef("AddEmp", strSQL)
qdef!FirstName = element("firstName")
qdef!LastName = element("lastName")
qdef!SSN = element("ssn")
qdef!MaritalStatus = element("maritalStatus")
Next element
Set element = Nothing
Set p = Nothing
End Function
The function fails at qdef!FirstName = element("firstName")
due to datatype error.
When I examine the query: "AddEmp", it appears the source for the insert is completely blank. When I check the jsonStr with the messagebox, the json string is there. I've never worked with json before so I'm above my head.
Of note is that the source json file has more than the four test columns, above, but I wanted to test it before adding all the params.
Here is what the json file looks like with names changed to protect the innocent- It is a single layer file:
"data": [
"firstName": "Fred",
"lastName": "Smith",
"dateOfBirth": "1980-02-04",
"ssn": "666-66-6666",
"maritalStatus": "Married",
"addressLineOne": "666 Delancey Street",
"addressLineTwo": "Apt 666",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zipcode": "94107",
"workPhone": "415-555-6666",
"mobilePhone": "415-555-6666",
"homePhone": null,
"email": "test@test.com",
"homeEmail": "test@gmail.com",
"hireDate": "2024-09-16",
"compensationPayType": "Salary",
"compensationPayRate": "1 USD",
"compensationPaidPer": "Year",
"jobInformationDivision": "10",
"compensationPaySchedule": "Salaried Employees",
"employmentStatusEffectiveDate": "2024-09-16",
"employmentStatus": "Full-Time, Salaried, Exempt",
"employmentStatusTerminationType": null,
"supervisorEid": "188",
"supervisorName": "Smith, Joe",
"terminationDate": null,
"preferredName": "Freddie",
"employeeNumber": "10-0091303",
"status": "Active",
"compensationEffectiveDate": "2024-09-16",
"jobInformationDepartment": "Operations",
"compensationOvertimeStatus": "Exempt"
...more records here...
Here is what the test import table looks like with just four columns:
Thank you for any help you have!!!!!!
I tried to run it, received the error. I was expecting the json information to parse but the source appears to be blank.
When you run
Set p = ParseJson(jsonStr)
you get back a Dictionary
object in p
. That dictionary has a single key "data", and the value for that key is a Collection
of dictionary objects, each representing an employee record.
So, you need to loop over that collection stored under "data":
For Each element In p("data")
'extract data from `element("firstName")` etc etc
Next element