
Pandas Group by without performing aggregation

I have a pandas dataframe as follows:

Athlete ID City No. of Sport Fields
1231 LA 81
4231 NYC 80
2234 NJ 64
1223 SF 75
4531 LA 81
2345 NYC. 80

I want to print the City and No. of Sport Fields columns and group by City and sort by No. of Sport Fields. groupby() won't work here because I am not calculating anything.


  • In your example, it seems that the No. of Sports Field remains the same for a given City.

    You can therefore use first() upon grouping by City, before sorting by No. of Sports Field :

    df.groupby('City').first().sort_values(by='No. of Sport Fields')

    This returns:

        Athlete ID  No. of Sport Fields
    NJ  2234    64
    SF  1223    75
    NYC 4231    80
    NYC.    2345    80
    LA  1231    81