I am trying to use environment variables in my expo app.
When i change my babel.config.js from:
module.exports = function (api) {
return {
presets: ['babel-preset-expo'],
module.exports = function(api) {
return {
presets: ['babel-preset-expo'],
plugins: [
["module:react-native-dotenv", {
"moduleName": "@env",
"path": ".env",
"blacklist": null,
"whitelist": null,
"safe": false,
"allowUndefined": true
And import them:
import { MY_ENV_VAR } from '@env';
Expo cannot detect that i have anything inside of app/
The docs say to prefix environment variables with EXPO_PUBLIC_
but they say: "Do not store sensitive info, such as private keys, in EXPO_PUBLIC_ variables. These variables will be visible in plain-text in your compiled application."
I want to use @supabase/supabase-js
and need to store:SUPABASE_URL
Is it safe to store these in EXPO_PUBLIC_ variables or is there a workaround?
Try restarting expo with expo r -c
whenever you update .env file as variables might not be correctly loaded.
In general it is not secure to prefix variables with EXPO_PUBLIC_
as it will be embedded in the app and will be visible to anyone. However, SUPABASE_URL
are public by design and are safe to store in EXPO_PUBLIC_ variables. This is because Supabase has Row Level Security enabled. For GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID
, it depends on its use case. It is safe if it is for OAuth login but if it's for backend authentication, use a server like cloud functions and fetch the API from there. You can check this reddit thread about using environment variables in Expo which might be helpful in your case.