I am accessing a MySQL and MariaDB database using Rust with SeaORM, and my query includes the RANK()
window function.
In MySQL, I can fetch the rank
column value using u32
(unsigned integer),
In MariaDB, this does not work. I have to use i32
(signed integer) instead.
Here’s an example query:
SELECT RANK() OVER (ORDER BY some_column DESC) AS rank_value
FROM some_table;
How can I find out the exact return type of RANK()
in MySQL and MariaDB? Is there any SQL command by which I can see and confirm it myself?
You can create a temporary table with that value and find out what the type is:
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE mycutelittlepiggy
SELECT RANK() OVER (ORDER BY some_column DESC) AS rank_value
FROM some_table;
and then either show create table mycutelittlepiggy;
or desc mycutelittlepiggy;
The advantage of temporary tables is that they exist only inside your current connection and they are auto-cleaned afterwards.
However, it's possible that you need the type inside your current script and then you would find show create table and/or desc less than adequate. An alternative for that case is to create a table and clean up afterwards:
create table mycutelittlepiggy select '123' as oint;
select COLUMN_TYPE from information_schema.columns where TABLE_NAME = 'mycutelittlepiggy' and COLUMN_NAME = 'oint';
And then clean up:
drop mycutelittlepiggy;