I have been working to make a weather feature in my app, which takes API data from Visual Crossing.
The issue is that the data is extracted into my app in a seperate function then that which sets my table view cells in my app.
Here is the code I have so far:
let date1ForTableView = UserDefaults.standard
func didUpdateWeather(weather: WeatherModel) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.date1ForTableView.set(weather.datetime1, forKey: "Date1")
var WeatherForecastCells: [WeatherCell] = [
WeatherCell(image: "", date: date1ForTableView.string(forKey: "Date1")!, low: "18°", high: "31°"),
extension WeatherFeatures: UITableViewDataSource {
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return WeatherForecastCells.count
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "WeatherCellsForWeatherFeature", for: indexPath) as! WeatherForecastTableViewCell
cell.WeatherDetails.text = "\(WeatherForecastCells[indexPath.row].date) - Low: \(WeatherForecastCells[indexPath.row].low) High: \(WeatherForecastCells[indexPath.row].high)"
return cell
Here is how it works: in the didUpdateWeather() function, the date is saved to a user default value. It is automatically set when the location is entered in the app. For context, we have the data.
What seems to then happen is when I try to set the value in WeatherForecastCells is I get the error "Cannot use instance member 'date1ForTableView' within property initialiser; property initialisers run before 'self' is available" How can I get rid of the above error?
The error is pretty clear. It means you're attempting to get date1ForTableView
before self
is available. You can take one of the following approaches:
to ensure that the initial value is valid before self
:private lazy var WeatherForecastCells: [WeatherCell] = [
WeatherCell(image: "", date: date1ForTableView.string(forKey: "Date1")!, low: "18°", high: "31°"),
is simply a get
for UserDefaults.standard
, you may want to replace it with a computed property:private var date1ForTableView: UserDefaults {
private var WeatherForecastCells: [WeatherCell] = [
image: "",
date: date1ForTableView.string(forKey: "Date1")!, //<- ✅ here
low: "18°",
high: "31°"),