I'm trying to create a GenericTable class that has a property based on the generic type that I'm giving it.
Currently I have this:
interface ITableColumn<C> {
name: string;
isUnsortable?: boolean;
sortAdapter?: (a: C, b: C) => number;
template?: TemplateRef<{ $implicit: C }>;
width?: number;
//Map array of types to ITableColumn[] of the same types
type MapToColumns<
T extends unknown[],
Acc extends readonly ITableColumn<unknown>[] = [],
> = T['length'] extends Acc['length'] ? Acc : MapToColumns<T, readonly [...Acc, ITableColumn<T[Acc['length']]>]>;
class GenericTable<T extends unknown[]> {
public constructor(private _columns: MapToColumns<T>) {
const index = _columns.findIndex(() => ...)
My issue is that 'findIndex' doesn't exists anymore on the _columns property. All works fine when I'm not using a generic but eg: [string, number, string] instead. Anyone see what is going wrong here, or know of any better approaches?
Why just not to map by the index?:
type MapToColumns<T extends unknown[]> = {[I in keyof T]: ITableColumn<T[I]>};