
What's the alphanumeric string after the branch name in `git commit` output?

I am committing a file in the staging area for a project. I first run:

$ git commit -m "My first commit"

When I run that command I get the normal output. I read the output so I can under stand it because I am a beginner to Git and commands like this.

The output:

[master a227c12] My first commit
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644

After reading the output, I see [master a227c12]. I now that master is my branch, but what does a227c12 signal or mean? Does it mean like what type I am commiting? Plus, I want to know if I could use it for something and what command can I use if for if possible.


  • The a227c12 you see is the commit hash that Git generates automatically. Commit hash is a unique identifier for every single commit in a Git repository.

    It's generated based on the content and metadata (like the commit message, author, timestamp, and changes you made)

    Git usually displays a shortened version (typically the first 7 characters, like a227c12), but internally, the full hash is 40 characters long.

    You can use a commit hash in many ways:

    And much more.