Integrity check fails on mobile platforms in Blazor Wasm App

I created a Blazor Wasm standalone app + an ASP.NET Core 8 Web API with Visual Studio 2022. Both are hosted on the same server.

The app runs fine on a desktop or laptop.

But when I try to open it on mobile it fails. Load progress shows 98% and the Blazor's yellow error message at the bottom. I tried it on Android and iOS, both fails.

enter image description here

I searched for the error. There are many topics on it. Here Microsoft's explain the integrity check - Integrity check Here discussion about the error - integrity attribute

I tried these steps:

When I compare the integrity key in the console message and in the blazor.boot.json they are different. I tried to replace the key by adding the key in the message in blazor.boot.json. It didn't help.

Any suggestions?


Continue my research.

Looks like the mobile version of browsers compresses the files and they have other hash.

I calculated sha-256 hash of icudt_CJK.dat file and it's the same as in blazor.boot.json (ending ...Hk=). At the same time, the console log shows another hash (ending ...FU=).

I added <EmccMaximumHeapSize>268435456</EmccMaximumHeapSize> directive to the project file. This tag decreases the maximum memory for the app on mobile device browsers. Didn't help.

Then I tried AOT compilation <RunAOTCompilation>true</RunAOTCompilation>. It took much longer to compile the project. Didn't help.

When I set <BlazorCacheBootResources>false</BlazorCacheBootResources> the site doesn't work on both - desktop and mobile platforms.

I get same error

Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource '

Uploaded the test project on another hosting, and it doesn't work on both - desktop and mobile.

Cloned the test project in Rider IDE, published it, deployed it to the host, and got the same error.


  • I fixed the problem.

    The solution is to create Blazor Web App but not WebApi + Blazor WebAssembly Standalone application.

    In this way, you get two projects (they are created automatically) - server side and client.

    On the server side, you implement API. On the client, you consume the API.

    You can move all pages and layout components to the client.

    I had to rework my project but now it works. I tested it on two hosting providers.

    enter image description here