I want to convert a list of nested objects into a flat list using Java streams. For this reason, a list of companies is first drawn up with employees:
// create Apple Employees
List<Employee> appleEmployees = List.of(
new Employee("John", "Doe"), new Employee("Joe", "Bloggs")
Company apple = new Company("Apple", appleEmployees);
// create Microsoft Employees
List<Employee> microsoftEmployees = List.of(
new Employee("John", "Public"), new Employee("Harry", "Fortune")
Company microsoft = new Company("Microsofr", microsoftEmployees);
// put apple and microsft in a list
List<Company> companies = List.of(apple, microsoft);
// data carrier
record CompanyData(String companyName,String employeeName, String employeeSurname) {}
What do I have to do now if I use Java Streams:
// How to stream this?
List<CompanyData> companyData = companies.stream().????
We should have a list of 4 CompanyData objects at the end of the stream, which contains the name of the company and the first and last name of the employee, something like this:
List<CompanyData> companyData = List.of(
new CompanyData("Apple", "John", "Doe"),
new CompanyData("Apple", "Joe", "Bloggs"),
new CompanyData("Microsoft", "John", "Public"),
new CompanyData("Microsoft", "Harry", "Fortune")
Is this even possible and should Java streams be used for the case?
You can use flatMap
List<CompanyData> companyData = companies.stream().flatMap(company ->
company.getEmployees().stream().map(employee ->
new CompanyData(company.getName(), employee.getName(), employee.getSurname())