I have a problem where my if condition work but end her function in just a moment.
var speed = 75
var dir: Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO
var enter: bool = false
@onready var camera = $"../camera"
func _ready():
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
velocity = dir * speed
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("accept"):
func _choose_random_direction():
var directions = [
Vector2(-1, 0), Vector2(1, 0), # Left, Right
Vector2(0, -1), Vector2(0, 1), # Up, Down
Vector2(-1, -1), Vector2(1, -1), # Top-left, Top-right
Vector2(-1, 1), Vector2(1, 1), # Bottom-left, Bottom-right
Vector2(0, 0)
dir = directions[randi() % directions.size()]
await get_tree().create_timer(randf_range(1, 3)).timeout
The if inside the func _physics_process supose to be a zoom of the camera with a smooth transition, but when i call the function of the zoom, the zooming end in a instance instead that 2 sec that i programated.
this is the code of the camera:
var zooming: bool = false
@onready var player = $"../player"
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
position = player.position
func zoomi(delta):
var end: float = 3
zooming = true
if zooming == true:
zoom.x = lerp(zoom.x, end, 0.4 * delta)
zoom.y = lerp(zoom.y, end, 0.4 * delta)
if zoom.x > end * .8:
zooming = false
func unzoomi(delta):
var end: float = 3
zooming = true
if zooming == true:
zoom.x = lerp(zoom.x, end, 0.4 * delta)
zoom.y = lerp(zoom.y, end, 0.4 * delta)
if zoom.x > end * .8:
zooming = false
Your issue is that the zooming transition in your zoomi()
and unzoomi()
functions happens only once when the function is called. Since lerp()
requires multiple frames to create a smooth transition, you need to update the zoom continuously inside _process()
this is the code of the camera:
var zooming: bool = false
var zoom_target: float = 1.0
var zoom_speed: float = 0.4
@onready var player: CharacterBody2D = $"../player"
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
position = player.position
if zooming:
zoom.x = lerp(zoom.x, zoom_target, zoom_speed * delta)
zoom.y = lerp(zoom.y, zoom_target, zoom_speed * delta)
if abs(zoom.x - zoom_target) < 0.05:
zooming = false
func zoomi():
zoom_target = 3.0
zooming = true
func unzoomi():
zoom_target = 1.0
zooming = true
this is the code of the player:
var speed = 75
var dir: Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO
var enter: bool = false
@onready var camera: Camera2D = $"../camera"
func _ready():
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
velocity = dir * speed
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("zoom_in"):
elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("zoom_out"):
func _choose_random_direction():
var directions = [
Vector2(-1, 0), Vector2(1, 0), # Left, Right
Vector2(0, -1), Vector2(0, 1), # Up, Down
Vector2(-1, -1), Vector2(1, -1), # Top-left, Top-right
Vector2(-1, 1), Vector2(1, 1), # Bottom-left, Bottom-right
Vector2(0, 0)
dir = directions[randi() % directions.size()]
await get_tree().create_timer(randf_range(1, 3)).timeout