
Doubly-boxed wildcard return type has an unexpected extra wildcard

I have a method that returns a doubly-boxed generic type. When that generic type is a wildcard, the return type is not the one that I expect.

An object of type Codec<T> can produce a Box<Box<T>>, so I would expect a Codec<?> to return a Box<Box<?>>, but instead it seems to return a Box<? extends Box<?>>. Where does that extra wildcard around the inner box come from ?

Minimal code for reproducing:

interface Codec<A>
    interface Box<B>{}

    public abstract Box<Box<A>> decode();

    static public <T> void SimpleDecode(Codec<T> codec){
        Box<Box<T>> result = codec.decode();

    static public void ExpectedWildCardDecode(Codec<?> codec){
        Box<Box<?>> result = codec.decode();
        // Type mismatch: cannot convert from Codec.Box<Codec.Box<capture#1-of ?>> to Codec.Box<Codec.Box<?>>Java(16777233)

    static public void ObservedWildcardDecode(Codec<?> codec){
        Box<? extends Box<?>> result = codec.decode();
        // Works, but why ?

Codec, Box and decode are stand-ins for library classes and functions which I do not control.

Similar behaviour occurs with Codec<? extends T>.

I've already figured some workarounds for my use case, (sometimes using unchecked casts, sometimes using library-specific conversion methods), but I still want to understand why this did not work in the first place.

This was compiled for Java 21 with Gradle 8.11.1.


  • The type of the expression codec.decode() is not exactly Box<? extends Box<?>>. It is Box<Box<CAP#1>>, where CAP#1 is a fresh type variable. This just so happens to be convertible to Box<? extends Box<?>>, since Box<CAP#1> is a subtype of Box<?>.

    This type is not denotable in Java, but you can say var result = codec.decode(); to have result actually be that type. Or you call a helper method like this:

    static public void ObservedWildcardDecode(Codec<?> codec){
    static <T> void helper(Box<Box<T>> result) {
        // do things with 'result' here...
        // 'result' will have the same capabilities as 'Box<Box<CAP#1>>'

    The type of the expression is not Box<Box<?>> because the return type of the method, Box<Box<?>>, undergoes capture conversion. This is a conversion that replaces all the wildcards in a type with fresh type variables with appropriate bounds (in this case, I have called the fresh type variable CAP#1). This is to capture (no pun intended) the idea that decode can return Box<Box<A>>, Box<Box<B>>, or Box<Box<C>>, or Box<Box<AnythingElse>>.

    To see why this is needed, suppose decode returns a List<List<A>> instead (which is isomorphic to Box<Box<A>> from the type system's perspective). What can you do to this returned list? You cannot safely add a List<String> to this list of lists, because decode could have returned a List<Integer> instead.

    List<List<?>> result = codec.decode(); // suppose this compiles
    result.add(List.of(new Object())); // this could be unsafe if "codec.decode" actually returns a List<List<Integer>>!
    // example implementation of Codec
    class MyCodec implements Codec<Integer> {
        private List<List<Integer>> list = new ArrayList<>();
        public List<List<Integer>> decode() {
            return list;
        public void someOtherMethod() {
            // this would go very wrong if list.get(0).get(0) is actually just a 'new Object()'
            System.out.println(list.get(0).get(0) + 1);