When typing normally on Ubuntu I can use '
and "
normally, but when I type in IntelliJ it doesn't recognize these keys. How can I solve this?
happened to me before,
starting from more reasonable to the least desired option...
If your keyboard layout is set to a different language (e.g., US-International), it might be treating "
or '
as a dead key (waiting for another key press to create an accent).
Try pressing Space
after typing "
or '
. If it appears, your layout is causing the issue.
On Windows: Go to Settings → Time & Language → Language & Region → Keyboard Settings and switch to a standard layout (e.g., "US").
On macOS: Go to System Settings → Keyboard → Input Sources and make sure it’s set to "ABC" or "U.S."
On Ubuntu Settings → Keyboard. Under Input Sources, check which layout is active.
If it's "English (US, international with dead keys)", click Add → Search for "English (US)" and select it.
Remove the old layout and restart IntelliJ.
If you don’t want to change the layout but need an immediate fix, press:
AltGr + ' → Types a '
AltGr + Shift + ' (or ") → Types a "
IntelliJ might be set to automatically replace straight quotes with curly quotes.
Go to File → Settings → Editor → Smart Keys and uncheck options related to "Smart Quotes".
Sometimes, custom keybindings interfere with quotes.
Go to File → Settings → Keymap, search for **""**,
"'", or
"""` and reset any conflicting shortcuts.
Some third-party plugins can cause this.
Go to File → Settings → Plugins, disable suspicious ones, restart IntelliJ, and test.
Run this command to set a keyboard layout without dead keys:
setxkbmap -layout us
If this works, make it permanent by editing your input settings:
Open a terminal and type:
sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard
Find the line:
Change it to:
Save (Ctrl + X
, then Y
, then Enter
) and reboot.
Restarting might fix it.
If not, try reinstalling IntelliJ (backup settings first).