I'm trying to extend file relational_fields.js from the web module in Odoo 13, so that in the request for quotation form, when i start entering a vendor name and the autocomplete options show with a Search More... link, when i click that link it adds a Vendors filter to the search.
I've found a way to get what I want if I edit the relational_fields.js file directly, though I cannot get it to work if I add a custom js file.
Any ideas on what I should do?
Here is the custom file I'm loading through the manifest. I've tried loading it by adding assets to the manifest as well as creating a view for the assets.
odoo.define('your_module_name.custom_relational_fields', function (require) {
"use strict";
var relational_fields = require('web.relational_fields');
var FieldMany2One = relational_fields.FieldMany2One;
var CustomFieldMany2One = FieldMany2One.extend({
_manageSearchMore: function (values, search_val, domain, context) {
values = values.slice(0, this.limit);
label: _t("Search More..."),
action: function () {
var prom;
if (context.res_partner_search_mode === 'supplier') {
domain = domain.concat([['supplier_rank', '>', 0]]);
if (search_val !== '') {
prom = this._rpc({
model: this.field.relation,
method: 'name_search',
kwargs: {
name: search_val,
args: domain,
operator: "ilike",
limit: this.SEARCH_MORE_LIMIT,
context: context,
Promise.resolve(prom).then(function (results) {
var dynamicFilters;
if (results) {
var ids = _.map(results, function (x) {
return x[0];
dynamicFilters = [{
description: _.str.sprintf(_t('Quick search: %s'), search_val),
domain: [['id', 'in', ids]],
if (context.res_partner_search_mode === 'supplier') {
dynamicFilters = [{
description: _.str.sprintf(_t('Quick search: %s, Vendors'), search_val),
domain: [['id', 'in', ids], ['supplier_rank', '>', 0]],
this._searchCreatePopup("search", false, {}, dynamicFilters);
classname: 'o_m2o_dropdown_option',
return values;
return {
CustomFieldMany2One: CustomFieldMany2One,
I got the help from copilot for this, but it doesn't seem so effective at the moment. Here is my custom_relational_fields.js, which I have set in a custom pre-existing module, under static/src/js directory.
Here is my manifest file:
"name": "my module name| Purchase enhancement",
"summary": "Apply changes to core Odoo purchasing module to adapt changes to the customer requirement.",
"license": "LGPL-3",
"author": "much. GmbH",
"auto_install": False,
"application": False,
"sequence": 100,
"category": "Purchase",
"version": "",
"depends": ["base", "product", "purchase", "purchase_stock", "web"],
"data": [
# "assets": {
# "web.assets_backend": [
# "my_module/static/src/js/custom_relational_fields.js",
# ],
# },
Here is the assets.xml recommended by co-pilot:
<template id="assets_backend" name="custom assets" inherit_id="web.assets_backend">
<xpath expr="." position="inside">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/my_module/static/src/js/custom_relational_fields.js"></script>
Find the original relational_fields.js at: https://github.com/odoo/odoo/blob/13.0/addons/web/static/src/js/fields/relational_fields.js
And the updated part of the code which I found to be working inside the relational_fields file:
_manageSearchMore: function (values, search_val, domain, context) {
var self = this;
values = values.slice(0, this.limit);
label: _t("Search More..."),
action: function () {
var prom;
/* if context res_parnter_search_mode key is supplier, then domain should*/
/* be updated to include the supplier filter */
if (context.res_partner_search_mode === 'supplier') {
domain = domain.concat([['supplier_rank', '>', 0]]);
if (search_val !== '') {
prom = self._rpc({
model: self.field.relation,
method: 'name_search',
kwargs: {
name: search_val,
args: domain,
operator: "ilike",
limit: self.SEARCH_MORE_LIMIT,
context: context,
Promise.resolve(prom).then(function (results) {
var dynamicFilters;
if (results) {
var ids = _.map(results, function (x) {
return x[0];
dynamicFilters = [{
description: _.str.sprintf(_t('Quick search: %s'), search_val),
domain: [['id', 'in', ids]],
if (context.res_partner_search_mode === 'supplier') {
dynamicFilters= [{
description: _.str.sprintf(_t('Quick search: %s, Vendors'), search_val),
domain: [['id', 'in', ids], ['supplier_rank', '>', 0]],
self._searchCreatePopup("search", false, {}, dynamicFilters);
classname: 'o_m2o_dropdown_option',
return values;
What I thought would be the correct way: include the javascript through the manifest file was not working, and what worked was adding the js through the assets view below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<xpath expr="." position="inside">
odoo.define('my_module_name.custom_relational_fields', function (require) {
"use strict";
var relational_fields = require('web.relational_fields');
var core = require('web.core');
var _t = core._t;
_manageSearchMore: function (values, search_val, domain, context) {
var self = this;
values = values.slice(0, this.limit);
label: _t("Search More..."),
action: function () {
var prom;
if (context.res_partner_search_mode === 'supplier') {
console.log('Supplier mode');
domain = domain.concat([['supplier_rank', '>', 0]]);
if (search_val !== '') {
prom = this._rpc({
model: this.field.relation,
method: 'name_search',
kwargs: {
name: search_val,
args: domain,
operator: "ilike",
limit: this.SEARCH_MORE_LIMIT,
context: context,
Promise.resolve(prom).then(function (results) {
var dynamicFilters = false;
if (results) {
var ids = _.map(results, function (x) {
return x[0];
if (context.res_partner_search_mode === 'supplier') {
dynamicFilters = [{
description: _.str.sprintf(_t('Quick Vendors search: %s'), search_val),
domain: [['id', 'in', ids], ['supplier_rank', '>', 0]],
else {
dynamicFilters = [{
description: _.str.sprintf(_t('Quick search: %s'), search_val),
domain: [['id', 'in', ids]],
if (!dynamicFilters && context.res_partner_search_mode === 'supplier') {
dynamicFilters = [{
description: _.str.sprintf(_t('Quick Vendors search'), search_val),
domain: [['supplier_rank', '>', 0]],
this._searchCreatePopup("search", false, {}, dynamicFilters);
classname: 'o_m2o_dropdown_option',
return values;
and finally, adding the view to the manifest file in a custom module:
"name": "company name | Purchase enhancement",
"summary": "Apply changes to core Odoo purchasing module to adapt changes to the customer requirement.",
"license": "LGPL-3",
"auto_install": False,
"application": False,
"sequence": 1,
"category": "Purchase",
"version": "",
"depends": ["base", "product", "purchase", "purchase_stock"],
"data": [