
Logic Apps trigger Databricks notebook give response back to logic apps


With help of the following link i have set up a logic app that starts a notebook. Logic Apps trigger Databricks notebook

Is there a way to let databricks give a response back to Logic apps? I dont see the printed values back in logic apps, only that it ran.

I also now see i didnt need the custom connector, but i have used it still. Logic Apps Post Request to run Databricks notebook


  • The call to the /api/2.2/jobs/run-now REST API only triggers the job. You'll need to call different APIs to get the output. The call to jobs/run-now should return a run ID.

    If that's successful, then the next step are to:

    - check the status of the job to make sure it's completed running using this API: /api/2.2/jobs/runs/get. You may have to loop until the job is done or failed.

    - once the job is done, you can get the output for that run using this API: /api/2.2/jobs/runs/get-output