
How to get IDE intellisense autocompletion through JSDoc type hints with TypeScript packages?

I just noticed that we can get IDE intellisense autocompletion through JSDoc type hints like this (from Vite config documentation):

/** @type {import('vite').UserConfig} */
export default {
  // ...

Is the import('vite') type functionality part of JSDoc? I've never seen this used before, so just curious how it works.

Can we get autocompletion for any type in a plain JavaScript project by using @type annotations like this?


  • All type hint are supplied by TypeScript's language server, enabled by default in VSCode & widely available in other editors.

    JSDoc is just a standardized syntax for writing documentation in JS, functionally, it does nothing. The TS language server, however, has implemented a subset of the JSDoc syntax which will allow you to type your JS code without authoring TS (.ts). This will match TypeScript behavior in most cases, though there's a few odd cases where JSDoc trails behind or lacks support for a few features.

    As linked above (, yes, you can use type comments to get autocompletion hints in plain JS using this:

    /** @type {'foo' | 'bar'} */
    const myString = 'baz';
       // ^ Type '"baz"' is not assignable to type '"foo" | "bar"'

    The import(module) bit allows you to access types, as of course you cannot otherwise import types into JS modules.