
Converting 24hour to 12 hour format in Teradata

Looking to convert time format from 24hour to 12hour in Teradata but heading nowhere.

E.g., I have 22:30:45 and I want 10:30:45PM


  • Here is a way to covert a 24-hour time format to a 12 hour format with AM/PM

     SELECT TO_CHAR(CAST('22:30:45' AS TIME), 'HH12:MI:SSAM') AS converted_time;


    CAST('22:30:45' AS TIME): Converts the string into a TIME datatype.
    TO_CHAR(..., 'HH12:MI:SSAM'):
    HH12 → Converts to 12-hour format.
    MI → Stands for minutes.
    SS → Stands for seconds.
    AM/PM → Appends AM or PM based on the time.